The Great Man Himself: Jeremy Harmer, god of the English Language Teaching bible. haha.. how all of us english teacher trainees used to quote him to death in our assignments.. !!
3 hot babes! Amazing Minds Asian Chapter.. from right China, Thailand, Indonesia, West Malaysia, Korea. !! Fantastic Jazz Band, we danced till we dropped.. almost!
'Bookstack' carved out of an entire oak tree trunk. purty! we had a lovely BBQ garden party with a famous Cambridge Jazz Band entertaining us. was fabulous! Me n Anna from Argentina. A lady smaller than me! hehe Posing in one of the many gardens in a college in town.. The round church, for obvious reasons. ;) Gorgeous buildings everywhere! Typical english pubs with lovely potted flowers hanging around.. how pretty! Me with the brazillian delegate.. lovely woman. the upside down longman reference she's holding was free for every one of us, the most common 3000 words in basic english. ;-) Garden on the roof of Longman Pearson HQ, Harlow. Me n the hot men on this course, Kristof (Hungary - he says in his country the average class is one teacher to 12 students.. bloody amazing!!!), Marek (Poland) and Rene (Lebanon). Me on the rooftop garden with the rolling hills in the background. ;-)
OMG! U really make me jealous...Great pics. bring back tulip for me...:P
OOOOOOO, that's amazing!!! am turning green... more pics!! hheheheh... memintalah ni... managed to snag da man
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